The Night House

Yeah, we know that October is over, and most podcasts are probably moving onto those very well know Thanksgiving movies, but we watched a lot of horror last month, and that means you get more horror episodes, and run on sentences. The Night House is the movie that brought Ryan back to the theaters after being closed for so long. Did it do justice to such a notable honor? Just listen and find out.


Don't Breathe/Don't Breathe 2

Here is a nice double feature to keep our October movies going. Maybe they aren’t technically “horror”, but there are still plenty of jumps and scares, so we are adding it to the list. There are a lot of weird choices they make in this series, and we like some and hate others, as characters and their motivations seem to change a lot . We hope everyone has a great Halloween, and that you are watching only the best scary movies to stay in the mood.


Fear Street Trilogy

I am not sure I will ever understand why Netflix decided to release the Fear Street trilogy in the middle of the summer instead of in October, but I am sure some algorithm told them it would be more successful that way. Whatever the reason, we decided to wait until the spookiest month before we released our episode on the three movies. If you’ve ever listened to this show before, you may know that Roy is very particular about the naming of sequels, and we barely get through the opening before he makes his feelings known. Guess you’ll have to listen to the rest to find out how we felt about the actual movies.



Candyman (2021)

As October finally rolls in, what better way to begin this spooky month, than with a conversation about the truly terrifying film, Candyman. We tried our best to now get scared, but we were not up to the task. This is collectively one of our favorite times of year to talk about movie, so if there’s a horror film that you want recognized, please let us know.



Movie Night: Halloween 2

Roy decided to kick off our month of horror movies a little early by selecting Halloween 2 as his movie night choice. Can this immediate followup to the original capture the same magic? Absolutely not. Is it at least a serviceable horror movie? The answer to that question is the crux of this episode, but our opinions definitely vary. Regardless of what we thought, it dis kind of make us want to revisit this franchise.



Movie Theater Candy

This week we decided to do what we dreamed about as kids and bought enough candy to make us sick. We did the science, we had our discussions, we crowned the best movie theater candy. There were some real surprises here, some candy that showed a lot of heart and made it further than we every expected, it’s a real feel good story. If you have ever listened to the show, you know that Roy loves an underdog, and this show was no exception.




There are so many new films being released on various streaming services that is can be a little overwhelming. Movies seem to be released and almost immediately forgotten about. Maybe the marketing is bad, maybe there are just too many fish in the sea and people are drowning in content. Or in the case of Jolt, the Amazon original film, the movie is just so generic, and the production value feels so low, that our collective consciousness immediately rejects it. I guess it will always be a mystery. Anyway, here is our episode on Jolt. Maybe you’ll like it more than we did.



Movie Night: Freaks

This week we decided to celebrate Ryan’s upcoming wedding by letting him choose the movie for movie night. At first he mentioned possibly choosing a romantic comedy as a way to pay tribute to his upcoming nuptials, but finally settled on the sci-fi thriller, Freaks, because nothing says “true love” like any of Ryan’s movie picks.

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, it is available on Netflix. So fire it up, then come back and listen to this very very very romantic episode of Coming Off the Reels.



Pump Up the Volume

This week we dug out the old DVD copy of Pump up the Volume to see how it held up. Christian Slater, sitting alone in a basement, talking into a microphone, even if no one is listening. Yeah, that sounded like something we could all get behind. If you’ve seen this film, please let us know your thoughts. If you’ve watched this recently, how did it hold up for you? Hopefully as well as it did for us.



Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins

The title of this movie is a little bit deceiving if you are looking for G.I. Joes in your G.I. Joe movie. Other than that, I guess you will just have to listen to the episode if you want to know what everyone thought. We even brought in a guest, Matt McCabe, just so we could give you even more opinions about this inauspiciously released film. Don’t worry, there are many differing thoughts, so I am sure you’ll be able to agree with one of us.



The Suicide Squad

Right out of the gate, The Suicide Squad is so much better than Suicide Squad. That isn’t any kind of major accomplishment, but now you don’t have to wonder how the two compared. How much better is certainly up for debate in this week’s episode. So if you’ve watched the entry from DC, or if you have no interest, but still want to hear our thoughts, then this is the episode for you.



Jungle Cruise

The days are getting shorter, kids are going back to school, and fall is just around the corner. But if you don’t mind some silly entertainment, Jungle Cruise can try and make the summer last just a little while longer. The story isn’t a new one, you’ll probably be able to identify three or four movies that Disney pulled from, but this isn’t the kind of movie you watch for originality. So sit back as we talk about how much being charming can carry a movie.


Till Death

This week we watched the new Megan Fox thriller, Till Death. This movie kind of came out of nowhere and really surprised us. We did still to our namesake and got a little lost in the weeds about one particular scene, but other than that we tried to stick to singing the praises of this taut movie going experience.




When we first heard about a movie being released in which Nicholas Cage plays a man looking for his kidnapped pig, we started to assume things about the movie. We knew the actor that Nicholas Cage had become, almost a parody of a parody, and the silly premise seemed to be leading down of path similar to that of John Wick. Quite simply, we were so very very wrong. This movie surprised us more than we could have imagined.



The Tomorrow War

Imagine that you are are living in the future, you are going about your everyday life, just trying to get by. One day, aliens begin to invade, and the population of the earth is decimated. The life you built, the people you love, all gone. You sit there, as the world is crumbling around you, and you think that things could literally not get any worse. Then you find out that Chris Pratt is the only hope for the human race. Ouch. That has got to sting. It’s like getting shot, but then also getting a paper cut at the very end.

Anyway…The Tomorrow War.



Black Widow

This week we were finally able to watch a new MCU movie…IN THE THEATER! We were also able to record this episode together, which also caused a few audio problems, so if it seemed a little echoey, that’s why. But we hoped that they joy we had sitting around a table together was enough to buy some good will, and we promise to work on the audio more in the future.



Rewind: 1997

This week the four of us took a trip back to 1997 to discuss the good, the bad, and the really really really bad. Personally, 1997 was right around the time I started going headlong into movies because it turned out that there were very few things to do in my small town besides go to the video store, and so that is what I did 3 or 4 nights a week. And none of that fancy Blockbuster Video, or less fancy Hollywood Video, but rather the real salt of the earth, mom & pop shops. Like many of the movies we’ve watched lately, this week was rich with nostalgia, and an absolute blast to research and record.


BeFunky-collage (1).jpg

Movie Night: The Hunted (1995)

The movie this week was a pure nostalgia pick, as there really aren’t a lot of reasons to watch the 1995 action/thriller, The Hunted. I was hoping to capture the same magic I felt when I watched this movie 26 years ago, but it turns out that there are only so many perfect moments in a life, and you can’t recreate no matter how hard you try. Instead I was left with on of the weirdest sex scenes in recent memory. Thanks a lot, Christopher Lambert, you really know how to take the fun out of everything.



Godzilla vs. Kong

I know it’s been awhile since this one came out, but maybe that mean you’ve had plenty of time to sit down and watch this movie that really lives up to the title, Godzilla vs. Kong. In the past, this franchise has really divided the four of us, so this monster mash up really had a tough audience at COtR. There are some complaints, but maybe not from the person you’re thinking of.

