John Wick 3: Parabellum

Obviously this is the most poorly named John Wick movie, but how did the movie itself stack up against its predecessors? The critics loved it, it made more money than the other two, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t find a few minor things to latch on to, and talk endlessly about. I’m just saying…there are some really stupid parts in this outing. Like… way more stupid than last time.



Aladdin (2019)

There are a lot of opinions about Disney making live action remakes of their animated classics. So far, the results have been a mixed bag, and their newest release, Aladdin, seems to have divided audiences once again. Though more likely, this movie has divided audiences from critics. So sit back and listen to us discuss the good and bad of the latest Disney blockbuster, Aladdin.




I know that we don’t normally tell you how we feel about a movie in these little blurbs, but you should run, not walk, to see Booksmart. I know that there are a lot of big tentpole films out right now, and maybe a high school comedy doesn’t sound like much competition, but this directorial debut from OIivia Wilde manages to exceed many of the limitations that plague this genre of films. We give our opinions without going too deep into the movie, so it is pretty spoiler free. We fill the rest of the time discussing our favorite “graduation” themed movies, and there are some good ones.



The Long Shot

This week we try to discuss the new comedy, The Long Shot. I say that we tried, because we really live up to our name on this episode, and had a pretty hard time staying on track. So in addition to our take on this charming new comedy, we also discuss the new Sonic the Hedgehog trailer, SNL, and my mom’s love of DC films.



Pet Semetary & Hellboy

This week we take a look at a couple of movies that have already existed, but they went ahead and made new versions anyway. Did either of these movies need to be made? Did either of them exceed the originals? Did one of them manage to be a contender for the worst movie of 2019? So many questions, and we do our best to answer them.


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Our Favorite MCU Moments

When we finished recording our Avengers: Endgame episode, we decided that we wanted to talk about some of our favor Marvel moments through the years. Some of them are scene that we all love, a few were kind of a surprise. These are all moments from before Endgame, so if you haven’t seen it yet, nothing will be spoiled for you. But seriously, if you haven’t seen the new Avengers, please stop what you’re doing and go now!



Avengers: Endgame

We, along with every other movie or pop culture podcast, present to you our Avengers: Endgame episode. Please keep in mind that we are talking about the entire film, so if you don’t want to hear about every major plot point, please skip this episode for now, but definitely circle back to us later on. I know that everybody has thoughts, so if you're bored, please share some of them with us.



Netflix Originals

We’ve done an episode like this before, but with so many Netflix original movies being made, we had to do it again. Polar, Triple Frontier, The Unicorn Store, The Perfect Date, and The Silence…We tried to cover as many genres as we could, but we apologize if we couldn’t get to everything. Since there are no less that 50 new Netflix movies released each week, if you saw one that you think we should talk about, please let us know.




As we inch ever closer to comic book movie fatigue, we examine the latest (and greatest?) film in the DCEU, Shazam! Did DC finally figure out a way to top Marvel? As men who kind of act like we are still 13 years old, are we the target demographic? Did anyone else think that Zachary Levi looked really weird in that foam rubber costume? Please, let us know your thoughts! I am tired of hearing what these guys have to say.



Mary Poppins Returns

On this week’s episode we talk about Mary Poppins Returns along with a number of other Disney films that have been released lately or are scheduled to come out later this year. I know that a lot of people are upset about the number of live action remakes of popular animated films that are being released in the near future, but please keep in mind that it is okay for these movies to be in the world, and that they in no way diminish the source material. Plus, as we briefly discuss, if all goes well, maybe we will get a Great Mouse Detective live action version!




Is there any way that Jordan Peele’s second film could live up to the expectations everyone was placing on it? I think that was probably on the mind of a lot of people as they sat down to watch Us. While I don’t speak for every, FOR ME, he blew it out of the water. There is so much to unpack in a movie like this that we had to bring in help. So for your listening pleasure, we doubled the amount of McClains you normally get on the show. A special thanks to Meredith McClain for being on the show, and truly elevating the level of discourse.


Casting the New MCU

With Disney officially closing the deal to acquire Fox just last, we thought it would be fun to discuss how the Marvel Cinematic Universe will look now, and how we would like to see them cast many of the big characters that will be eventually joining the team. If anyone know Kevin Feige, please pass this information along, because I think we’ve really got some good ideas here.



Cold Pursuit & Mandy

If you looked at the the synopsis for each of these films, you could understand why these two stories of revenge might pair well as an episode. Once you watch them, you’d realized that they are wildly different, but still very entertaining, films. These opinions will not be universal, but both Cold Pursuit and Mandy need to be watched at least once, just so you can sit there, mouth agape, and wonder what the hell is going on.



Alita: Battle Angel

For 18 months we have been seeing the trailer for this movie. Alita kept getting pushed back and then pushed back again, which is usually a kiss of death for a movie. So color us all a little surprised that this movie endeared itself to us a little more than we thought it would. By no means is it a perfect film, but I feel like we get more riled up about the title of the film than anything in the film itself.



Now, Voyager

It is the week after the Oscars, and while many people will be posting episodes talking about who won and who shouldn’t have won, we are going to rise above all that and just get back to movies that we love. Just so you don’t feel like we are getting too far away from the award season hubbub, Kaitlin and I will be talking about an Oscar nominated film…from 1942. I don’t want to give away too much, but if you haven’t seen Now, Voyager yet, please get out there and do so. Seriously, we this episode will be here when you’re done. I wish I hadn’t waited so long to see this one.



Aquaman & Bumblebee

These movies could have easily been the nail in the coffin of each their franchises, but against all odds they seemed to have actually revived them. I am just as surprised as anyone. I can give no higher praise to Aquaman than this, my mom watched it by herself and really liked it.


Oscar Bowl 2019

Every year, Roy and Kira King choose to forgo the trappings of Super Bowl Sunday, and celebrate their own tradition of catching up on Oscar nominated films. First Reformed, The Favourite, First Man, and Roma made up the this year’s lineup. This week, we discuss this year’s choices, whether viewing all these movies in one day changes how you watch, and whether the boring Super Bowl this year was even more uneventful than First Man.


The Best of 2018

This is always a fun episode to record, and usually quite long. It is usually entertaining to see what makes the list, and what criteria we use to get there. Some of us lean more towards the unknown, others toward what makes a great “film”, and we all try and include movies that were just really enjoyable to watch. Sometimes a movie just manages to stick with you, even if you’re on an island with that opinion. That is what’s great about these lists, they always manage to spark an interesting conversation.



Worst of 2018

It is negative degrees outside this morning, but nothing gets us fired up and the blood pumping like talking about movies that we hate. There is plenty of yelling in this episode, and some of it even comes from Roy, so you know those have to be bad movies. What were least favorite films of 2018?

