
Madame Web and Oscar Bowl Sunday XII

You may have heard rumblings on the internet that Madame Web is not worth your time. And while this movie isn’t very good, there is still a case to be made that it is worth watching, and some of us here at COtR are willing to plead that case. We don’t want you to think that all we do is talk about bad movies, so Roy is also here to give you his recap of “Oscar Bowl Sunday”. Basically, you get two episodes in one this week. What a treat!!



Many of us went into the viewing of Morbius with a pretty positive attitude, but when we found out that it wasn’t really “Morbin Time”, our attitudes quickly shifted. There is still a spectrum of opinions from us, but even the highest praises we could offer were still pretty pathetic. So maybe if the bar is impossibly low, you could have a really good time watching Morbius.

Jared Leto is garbage.
