Alex Garland

Civil War

This week we are discussing the latest film from Alex Garland, Civil War. It is easy to imagine this country heading to another civil war, and easier to imagine it playing out much like the events of this movies. And yet, Civil War still leaves much left to interpretation, which gives us a chance to throw in our two cents.



Well…we really try out best to break down the latest film from Alex Garland, Men. We would like to tell you that we understood everything that he was trying to say with this movie, but we undoubtedly missed something. Our opinions are a little all over the map, but we still managed to put together an okay episode, even if we did say the word “vagina” way more than usual.



Since it is now available to stream, we thought this would be a great time to post our Annihilation show. It is kind of a tricky one, since it would take much longer than 30 minutes to unpack everything that is going on in this film. Alex Garland's previous film, Ex Machina, was one of our favorite over here at COtR. Could his follow up film live up to those expectations? Guess you'll just have to listen.


