Two films with a strangely similar stories to tell. Sure, one takes place in ye oldy times, while one exits inside a computer, but watch them both and you will see that it is true. Ryan watches a classic for the first time, I'll give you a isn't Garbage Pale Kids: The Movie...maybe next time. Also, how many trailers is the right amount before a movie? I can't be sure, but I think there were 83 trailers before Tron Legacy, and half of those were movies where Martin Lawrence was wearing a fat-suit. I may have to stop going to that theater. Anyway...enjoy the show.
Black Swan
If you are like me, then I am sure that you are tired of all the movies that make up the "crazy ballerina" genre. In spite of that, we still decided to watch Black Swan. I will warn you now, Ryan and I do end up talking about this movie far more extensively than other movies. If you are wanting to see this movie, you might not want to listen to this show just yet. I don't think we really spoil anything, but we come awfully close to discussing the whole movie. Enjoy.
A podcast we recorded a few weeks ago for the film " Buried," starring Ryan Reynolds, kind of got lost in the shuffle, but we dug it up just for you! I guess you might say we unearthed this podcast so it might see the light of day! Drew and I are like magical druids, exhuming the dead art of movie-podcasting and bringing it to life so we can wreak havoc on the public! Yeah, you might say a few of those things, you just might...
127 Hours
Danny Boyle has long been one of our favorite directors here at Coming Off The Reels, and 127 Hours doesn't disappoint in any way. Beautifully shot, masterfully scripted and acted, it should be at the very least a shoe in for a number of Oscar nods if not wins. Oh, and I think maybe we also talk about Tron...
Harry Potter/Unstoppable
We really do our best to live up to our name today. This show is all over the map. We do talk about Harry Potter, with the help of our guest, Tony Adkins. We also talk about Unstoppable, with the help of some Miller High Life. There are quite a few tangents in this one, and some stuff that had to be cut to make it appropriate for the kiddies. Maybe one day they will be on "Coming Off the Reels: After Dark".
Halloween Grab Bag: Evil Aliens, Dead and Breakfast, Saw 3-D
A Halloween tradition dies this year as Saw releases its "final" installment. I think we will all be ....relieved? see it go. Also this episode, Drew says he prefers turkeys over aliens, and Ryan prefers aliens over turkeys. One thing we would probably agree on is turkeys VERSUS aliens. Maybe in Thankskilling 3........
Let the Right One In/Catfish
Vampires, fishy documentaries, and a slight disagreement over movies centered around Facebook.
Carriers and Machete and Tim Burton can suck it!
Carriers, a zombie movie that isn't, and Machete, starring a guy who looks like a zombie but still gets all the ladies. Also, Drew divulges his secret man crush on Tim Burton. Don't miss it!
Piranha 3-D and It Happened One Night
I know that if Frank Capra were still alive he would have made Piranha 3-D. I also think that It Happened One Night would have been a little bit better had Clark Gable been attacked by a fish or two. Sadly, It Happened One Night is only a 2-D film, and that is why it will never be counted among the greats.
You hear me Capra?!
Where's your third dimension?!
Lazy bum.
Scott Pilgrim vs. King Kong (1933) vs. ThanksKilling
Twenty-something hipsters...THE Giant Gorilla...A Turkey that kills people and talks jive. There are only winners in this weeks show. Gobble Gobble Mother @#%&!# Check out one of the greatest ideas ever! WatchThisBlog
Below is another idea. Still not sure how great it is.
Shutter Island and THEM
We sit down and watch the Martin Scorsese film Shutter Island which is about Zzz...Zzz...Zzz...uh...oh sorry about that. Good director, good actors, good source could it not be great? No really, how could this movie turn out the way it did? We also watched the French horror film Them, proof that America does not have a monopoly on crappy horror movies.
Salt and Rogue
Salt and Rogue. One movie stars Angelina Jolie playing a spy, the other movie stars a giant crocodile that eats people. Having seen both movies, I think that I am more afraid of Jolie's freakishly large mouth than I am the crocodile's.
Inception and Predators
We do ramble on about the greatness of Inception, but we still have plenty to say when it comes to Predators. We also speak quickly on a few films we have watched on dvd lately. Ryan announces that once we reach 1000 Facebook fans, he will let people vote on a movie themed tattoo that he will be getting. I am really hoping he get the script from the Hannah Montana movie tattooed on his ass. Make your friends become a fan of the show!
Splice and Slumdog Millionaire
Splice and Slumdog plus Toy Story 3, Timecrimes, Dinocroc Vs. Supergator, Food Party and He-man. And if all that's not enough, after a dozen shows Drew and I finally give opposing reviews of a film (or two), and Drew admits he cries like a baby during cartoons.
A-Team and Automaton Transfusion
Our newest podcast all about the A-team and the low (low low) budget zombie flick Automaton Transfusion.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/Daybreakers
Proof positive that good movies are still being made, but they aren't necessarily being made in America, and they most certainly aren't being made with Ethan Hawke.
The Descent 2/Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
Iron Man 2/The Human Centipede
Two movies that share a common thread. Both films have a character who builds something as a gift for all mankind. Iron Man is created to protect the people from an increasingly dangerous world. The Human Centipede is created to see if three people could be grafted together by connecting someone's head to someone's ass. I can't be sure, but I believe both films made about the same amount of money. Enjoy!
#2 The Crazies
Our Second Episode! Enjoy!
#1 Predator
Coming Off the Reels hosted by Drew Martin and Ryan Venson. Our first episode!